
Girls' 2nd Best Friend

Besides shoes, Jewelery is constidered a girls' 2nd best friend for a reason. Without jewelery ,all outfits would be so plain boring and not interesting!
Here are some basic jewelery YOUR MUST HAVE! ;)

Rings complete an outfit in my personal opion.
This is ubber cute and chic and can go with almost any outfit!

                                           Golden Leaf Ring $5.99, Girl Props

Necklace is always super great to attracting attenion and brings an outfit togother.
This is AHHHH!

                                       Gold Loop Necklace $8,Girl Props

Earings are just amazing and always make me feel important and proud.
Basic with a twist (literally :) ) Awsome!

                                          Twisted Hoops $7,Girl Props

Now these aren't what most people would call "basic" but your know what I DO! These are dorky and fun and make outfits look just awesome!

                               Wayfarer style Nerd Glasses $10,Girl Props

Ok so Girl Props is your go to place for jewelery, they have everything i mean EVERYTHING a girl could want!



Fashion Find Of the Week!

Ok, so besides the fact lace dress are huge on the springs runway, this dress is to DIE for!
                                             Lace Dress $68,Fred Flare

Fashion Tip!

So alot of girls want to be on trend (brand wise) but loose THEIR style, well instead of get the exact same shirt that all your friends have and get this that fit your style but still show the brand off to your buds :0


Urgent Trend Report 2-in-1

Leather is amaz and a huge trend right now but ,pared with another trend ,Poka-dots it's girly and tough in perfect harmony!

Here is an amazing example!
                                       Amaz Moto Jacket $99,Mod Cloth


                                  Pok-a-dot blouse $18,Forever 21  ~g

Spring Trend Preview Part 1!

5 amazing spring trends, so exited for the first day of spring! (Which is on March 20th)

1.High Waisted Shorts
These are adorable and woul;d look AMAZ with a black and white shirt! *can hold in bloating too :)*
                                       Peach High Waisted Shorts $25,Charlotte Russe
2.Faded Deniem Shirt
Ok i seriously think the best way to do this is just to steal your dad's, uncle's, or brother's tee shirt 'cause i am all for save $$.

3. Cropped Bustier
These are so sexy and go with ANY high wasted skirt.Also this is Real s**t , vintage! (That's why it's pricey but last FOREVER!)
                                                                          Lace Bustier $43 ,Mod Cloth

4.Shark Tooth Necklace
                                        Shark Tooth Necklace $22,Dorathy Perkins
5.Yellow Bag
These are so chic and is a Hot spring color.
                                                                                     Juicy Couture $178,Juicy Couture



Fashion Find of the Week!

Ok so i found this skirt at  Mod Cloth and I insantly fell in love with it!!!!!!!! It's a little on the pricey side but totally worth it!


Love it!

3 Color Trends

Besides Lady G's amazing mint prediction, there are  3 other AMAZINGGGG color trend (and 2 of them are my favorite colors :)   )

Sexy Hot Pink!
This hue is so fashion forward and fun not to mention that it's the perfect girlie girl color!!

So cute!!!!!!!!
                                           Giant Panda Tee $19,dELIAs
Super for a friday night!
                                              Hot Pink dress $30,Charlotte Russe

Marvalous Mustards
This is a totally classic and fabulous!

Great for a family thing or maybe if you go  for chruch.

                                      Mustard Day Dress $50,Mod Cloth

Posh Purple
My Favorite color! It's also so trend and gorgeous!

This is so pimpin'

                                     Purple Varsity Jacket $30,Charlotte Russe

So chic!
                                              Purple Cluch $17, Dorothy Perkins

love you dolls! <3


Urgent Trend Alert: Lady GaGa knows best!

So if you've seen the "Marry The Night" By Lady Gaga *Watch it here -------------> Marry The Night - Youtube * She states that she think the color mint will be big this coming season, well more and more of this amaz hue is showing up. In conculsion we know Lady G knows best :)

Here are a few thing to buy if you wanna get a jump on the trend.

Omg so cute............and warm.

                               Mint Fleece pullover $39, American Eagle

                                       Mint V-Neck $9, Aeropostale

                                      Open Knit Sweater $18,Forever 21
