
Girls' 2nd Best Friend

Besides shoes, Jewelery is constidered a girls' 2nd best friend for a reason. Without jewelery ,all outfits would be so plain boring and not interesting!
Here are some basic jewelery YOUR MUST HAVE! ;)

Rings complete an outfit in my personal opion.
This is ubber cute and chic and can go with almost any outfit!

                                           Golden Leaf Ring $5.99, Girl Props

Necklace is always super great to attracting attenion and brings an outfit togother.
This is AHHHH!

                                       Gold Loop Necklace $8,Girl Props

Earings are just amazing and always make me feel important and proud.
Basic with a twist (literally :) ) Awsome!

                                          Twisted Hoops $7,Girl Props

Now these aren't what most people would call "basic" but your know what I DO! These are dorky and fun and make outfits look just awesome!

                               Wayfarer style Nerd Glasses $10,Girl Props

Ok so Girl Props is your go to place for jewelery, they have everything i mean EVERYTHING a girl could want!


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