
July Favorites!

Yes. I know I did not do a June Favorites post. That is 'cause I was lame and didn't try anything new. But July I tried ALOT of new beauty and fashion things that I fell IN LOVE with!! You can find all of these things at target!

Beauty & Fashion.

Make-up removers.

So I loved both equally!
                                              Simple Makeup Wipes

                                 Yes To Cucumbers Makeup wipes

BB cream.

I really wanted to try the Smashbox Photoready BB cream but it's really full on heavy coverage and It hella expensive!! So you can image how I felt when a way cheaper BB cream came out by my FAVORITE makeup brand!! Amazingly exicted! So light and perfect medium coverage!!!!So it was $8. 
P.S. This is not my shade
                                     Maybelline BB cream

ANYTHING Coral!!!!
I love the color coral on anything. Such a gorgous color!

                                               coral swatch

Eyelash curlers
I am sooo in to curling my lashes and making them curly and volumious!
This is just the eyelash curler I have.
                                            e.l.f Eyelash curler
So I recently got this pallete and I for real use this everyday wheather it's for blush, bronzer, or just plain eyeshadow. I love it!
                                                e.l.f pallete in Warm

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