
Primary Fashion with Primary Colors

A definite trend seen on this fall's runways was have fun with the primary colors blue,yellow, and red. Here are some everyday ways to rock this trend.

Where this with everyday cardigan and flat or some fab pumps and an amazing necklace.
                                              Blue Knit dress $20,Forever 21

This is a great simple accesory!

                                                 Blue Braclet $7,Forever 21


This shirt is super basic and is a perfect canvas!

                                         Red shirt $16,Forever 21
This a great mani-pedi polish and reseach has proven that when you paint your nails red it improves your mood, and it's cherry scented :)

                                    Cherry Scented nail polish $3,Forever 21


This is just a fun cute graffic tee,so cute!

                                          Yellow monster tee $15, Forever 21


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